- Online e-learning
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- Certificate
What you learn
This course will provide you with the necessary skills to operate low voltage electrical installations. You will be able to assess safety aspects, construct risk assessments, and inspect tools and protective equipment.
You will also gain in-depth knowledge of the European standard EN 50 110. There is a duty of instruction when it comes to EN 50 110. Ensure optimal documentation and ensure that you have all the necessary knowledge via. our online course.
Being one of our e-learning courses, you can access this course anywhere and at any time you see fit.
Target audience
This course is targeted people who are working with low voltage electrical installations.
You will learn about electrical safety, precautions, relevant First Aid, and handling of accidents.
Expect to spend 4-5 hours completing this course. You will have access to the course for 45 days after the date of purchase. You can download relevant course material after completion.
Course description
Introduction, and description of the course
Refresh of basic, relevant First Aid
General understanding of the European standard
Working on dead installations
Working on live installations
Working in the vicinity of live installations
Course conclusion
Det formelle
Dette kursus er baseret på den aktuelle lovgivning og praksis på området og lever op til gældende europæiske standarder for L-AUS kurser. Dit certifikat vil også gælde som ”Live Work Certificate”. Kurset vil være tilgængeligt i 45 dage fra tilmeldingsdatoen. Herefter vil tilmeldingen udløbe. Selve kurset tager cirka 4,5 timer at gennemføre. Du har 5 forsøg til at gennemføre hver enkelt lektion. Formår du ikke at gennemføre en af lektionerne, vil du ikke modtage et kursusbevis.
Det er muligt at genbesøge kurset, så længe dit certifikat er aktivt. Desuden er det muligt at downloade kursusmateriale (tabeller, skemaer og lignende), som du efterfølgende kan anvende. Hvis du allerede har taget kurset, kan du finde det ved at logge ind her.
Being one of our e-learning courses, you can access this course anywhere and at any time you see fit.
Target audience
This course is targeted people who are working with low voltage electrical installations.
You will learn about electrical safety, precautions, relevant First Aid, and handling of accidents.
Expect to spend 4-5 hours completing this course. You will have access to the course for 45 days after the date of purchase. You can download relevant course material after completion.
What you learn
This course will provide you with the necessary skills to operate low voltage electrical installations. You will be able to assess safety aspects, construct risk assessments, and inspect tools and protective equipment.
You will gain in-depth knowledge about the European standard EN 50 110. L-AUS is a mandatory safety course that employers must make sure all relevant employees have.
Course description
1. Introduction
Introduction, and description of the course
2. First Aid
Refresh of basic, relevant First Aid
3. EN 50 110
General understanding of the European standard
4. Dead installations
Working on dead installations
5. Live installations
Working on live installations
6. Near live installations
Working in the vicinity of live installations
7. Summary
Course conclusion
The course is based on the current practice in the field and correlates with the applicable European standards. The certificate from this course is also known as a “Live Work Certificate”. You will have access to the course for 45 days after the date of purchase. Expect to spend 4-5 hours completing this course. You have a total of five attempts to complete each lesson. If you fail to complete the course, you will not receive a certificate.
You can revisit the course as long as your certificate is active. Course material (spreadsheets etc.) can be downloaded and used in the field. If you have already completed the course, please log in here.